A well paced, cathartic thriller, brimming with expertly executed horror tropes in unison with supreme sound design, makes for an experience like no other.
No One Will Save You sets off like a rocket, through the use of creative, precise and deliberate camera placement throughout the film, in harmony with the aforementioned top tier sound design, the world outside our heroine’s isolated hollow home is efficiently established, creating a sense of dread and anxiety that will soon be joined by waves of guilt, panic and fear.
Distrust is immediately laid within our lead, as we, the audience, find ourselves dissecting each and every aspect of the lead character, Brynn, who appears to be in a somewhat forced isolation from the rest of the town, showing signs of anxiety, guilt and outright terror, as she all too easily accepts her fate. With no apparent friends, family or hope, we are provided with a name, Maude, a slight thread of intrigue to continuously be pulled throughout the relatively short runtime of 1hr 33Mins. 
What did she do?…Well I can't tell you that in a spoiler free review can I? You will just have to watch and find out!
No One Will Save You, without the use of any dialogue, utilises Kaitlyn Dever’s (Brynn) incredibly emotive and physical performance, sleek VFX designs and uncanny frame rate techniques to discombobulate the viewer, as we, along with Brynn, escape life threatening, blood pumping and spine tingling moments of anguish. 
A perfect amount of show don’t tell, skipping the unnecessarily slow build ups, corny scripts and gore of recent horror films, No One Will Save You is a high octane therapy session, providing moments of tranquility, to yes, create tension, but to also allow the audience and character to truly embark upon a therapeutic experience, dealing heavily with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), trauma and personal forgiveness. 
My one gripe with the movie, and ultimately, the only reason for a 3 star rating instead of a 4, is due to the ending, of which, there isn’t really one. There is a twist that could be interpreted in many a way, no one right or wrong, yet it isn’t in service of the story as a whole. No bow or ribbon, not even a well placed spinning top or distant whistle as the screen cuts to black.

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