Elemental is a beautiful, colourful and emotional Disney Pixar Movie, what else do you need to know?
Well, Do you have kids? Great, they are going to love the lighthearted fun throughout this beautifully animated romantic comedy about the four elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. The latter two taking the titular roles throughout the movie.
Now, Do you need to have kids to enjoy this incredibly well told story depicting the struggles, hardships, and bonds created between an immigrant family as love flourishes between two opposing elements (Fire & Water) within the fascinating Element City? Absolutely not.
Disney Pixar movies are renowned for pulling at the heartstrings of children and adults alike, sometimes to the detriment of the movie as a whole, Elemental however, perfectly tows the line between an abundance of profound emotional beats paired with that feel good, at times cringeful, fun.
Cringeful fun, best describes one half of the movies star crossed lovers, Wade Ripple, portrayed by Mamoudou Athie, a real life immigrant who gained US Citizenship during the completion of this project.
Wade is a hopeless romantic, willing to do anything and go to any lengths for his new 'flame', Ember Lumen (Leah Lewis), who throughout the film has to overcome adversity and prejudice to save her fathers store from foreclosure, all while coming to terms with the fire burning inside herself.
This movie is stacked with loveable and relatable characters for all ages, generations and races, as each element has its time to shine. Characterising unique abilities and personas in ways that are new and refreshing, allowing anyone and everyone to enjoy a part of their own lives/experiences on the big screen.
Rich in creativity, courage and stubbornness Ember Lumen is a fantastic protagonist and the perfect match for a sensitive, fearful but ultimately heroic partner in Wade Ripple. Their reluctant emotional connection that develops throughout the movie, all be it in an optimistic 3 day time period, is what really pushes the story to its cathartic conclusion. Does one choose to stay in their lane? Never allowing themselves to experience the full spectrum of emotions. Or will they choose to take a leap of faith in whatever direction the Wind may take them?
Find out as you go into this movie with an open heart, an open mind and tissues by your side...let the elements take control.

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